日期:2014年09月01日格式:rar -
executive summaryTe State University of New York at New Paltz is a campus whose origins established a cohesive and beautiful environment for learning. Integrated into a cohesive woodland tha……详细>
日期:2014年09月02日格式:pdf -
Project StatementHow do campus planners identify which historic resources are valuable for guiding campus improvements and use the resources in sustainable new designs?Since 1868, Mills College fo……详细>
日期:2014年09月02日格式:rar -
Concept of the PlanFuture phases would be like a garden of flowers, with departments growing to Schools of Centers of Excellence overlapping to create interdisciplinary connections and connections t……详细>
日期:2014年09月03日格式:ppt -
CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction 4Project approach, proposed landscape design principles,process organization, program elements and scheduleChapter 2 Research 6Project assessment, site inventory……详细>
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