首页>景观工程资料>景观施工图纸>广场绿化景观>广州新世界全套景观施工图(Belt Collins)

广州新世界全套景观施工图(Belt Collins)

  • 浏览人次: 2750
  • 文件格式: rar
  • 推荐指数:
  • 所需积分: 15
  • 文件大小: 127.43 MB
  • 发布日期: 2014-12-12 09:55:28
  • 投稿网友: newbaba
  • 资料等级: vip.0


1.0 This Landscape Works Drawing Package is to be read in conjunction with the following notes:

2.0 Hardscape

2.1 All fixing / fabrication details of special granite or sandstone carving and finishes shall have the approval of the Client and Landscape Architect prior to commencement work.

2.2 Finishes specified in this drawing are subject to availabilty from supplier. Samples are to be fowarded to the Client and Landscape Architect for approval prior to construction.

2.3 All paving design details, materials and finshes to be as specified by Landscape Architect, unless otherwise stated.

3.0 Architectural Works

3.1 For waterproofing of Structural Slab, Closed Bottom Planters, refer to Architect\'s General Specifications and Drawings.

3.2 All landscape finishes interfacing with the Architectural Building works shall be coordinated by the Architect and Landscape Architect.

3.3 For all timber work schedules and finishes refer to Architect\'s General Specification……