

  • 浏览人次: 2165
  • 文件格式: rar
  • 推荐指数:
  • 所需积分: 免费
  • 文件大小: 3.23 MB
  • 发布日期: 2014-11-05 11:07:25
  • 投稿网友: jbhya
  • 资料等级: vip.0

一.电力.照明说明 The instruction of power distribution and lighting:
1.电力干线截面在35mm 以上者均采用ZR-YJV-0.6/1.0kV阻燃型交联铜芯塑料电缆,截面在35mm 及以下者采用 ZR-VV-0.6/1.0kV阻燃型铜芯塑料电缆。电缆在桥架内敷设,引出桥架穿钢管保护,在吊顶内敷设或明敷。
If the section of the main line cable is larger than 35mm ,adopt fire resistant XLPE type of cable.If the section of the main line cable is 35mm or smaller than 35mm ,adopt ZR-VV-0.6/1.0kV fire resistant type of copper core cable.The cables are laid in the cable tray.Out of the cable tray,they\'ll be protected in steel pipe and laid above the false ceiling or exposed laying……