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  • 发布日期: 2014-11-03 15:30:41
  • 投稿网友: szxm021
  • 资料等级: vip.0

梧桐湖原名梁子后湖,与碧波万顷的梁子湖同属梁子湖水系,其历史可追溯到古江汉平原上浩瀚连绵的内陆湖——云梦大泽。它产生于史前时期,早在《尚书》、《周礼》等古籍中就有关于云梦泽的记载,据推断,云梦泽面积最大时曾达到 4 万平方公里。
Wutong Lake was previously named Liangzihou Lake, its history can traced back to the vast inland lake-Yun meng Lake of the acient Jianghan Plain. It formed in prehistoric times, there are records of the Yunmeng Lake in ancient books such as \"The Book of History, \", \"Rites of Zhou\", the area of Yun meng Lake reached a maximum of 4 million square kilometers……