- 浏览人次: 2023
- 文件格式: pdf
- 推荐指数:
- 所需积分: 6
- 文件大小: 15.25 MB
- 发布日期: 2014-10-10 14:47:05
- 投稿网友: cqibei
- 资料等级: vip.0
Cambridge Urban Development Design
A New Town designed to fit its setting as the best of two-worlds – fusing ancient and contemporary cultural references with the mountain and riverine landscape...
A New Town with an ambitious sense of purpose and direction – with a range of high quality facilities and features that make for a special visitor experience...
A choice of lifestyles with the opportunity for all-comers, both rich and poor, to flourish and prosper... This is our Vision for Wuyi New Town
所有来访者,无论贫富,都有机会选择繁荣蓬勃的生活方式…… 我们给武夷新城的定位……
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