- 浏览人次: 1941
- 文件格式: pdf
- 推荐指数:
- 所需积分: 6
- 文件大小: 26.54 MB
- 发布日期: 2014-09-12 17:47:54
- 投稿网友: sunvip
- 资料等级: vip.0
Table of contents
Introduction 4
Letter From the Mayor 5
master plan objectives
Framework Objectives 9
existing conditions
History 15
Physical Character istics and Use 17
Site Conditions 19
Regulatory 21
Transit, Traf fic, and Parking Analysis 22
market analysis and potential
Market Analysis 27
Market Potential 36
publ ic process
Publ ic Process 45
coconut grove water front and spoi l islands master plan
Vision for Coconut Grove’s Water front 53
Water front Park 57
Mar itime Activities 65
Civic Core 69
Ci rculation and Parking 72
Event Strategy 75
Phasing Strategy 79
Cost Estimate 80
Conclusion 82
- 西安市高新技术产业开发区第三期总体规划12819
- 青海省西宁市民和县城市总体规划7412
- 咸阳市礼泉县烟霞镇总体规划6317
- 浙江省湖州市南浔城市总体规划(报优)5670
- 都江堰灾后重建总体规划(2008-2020)5327
- 岳麓山国家重点风景名胜区总体规划5088
- 秦皇岛市北戴河新区总体规划5004
- 重庆经济技术开发区总体规划2011-20204893
- 珠海城市空间发展战略研究(珠海2030)文本4405
- 北京市总体规划(2004年~2020年)3978