印度 Vedanta University MasterplanASG211207
- 浏览人次: 1827
- 文件格式: ppt
- 推荐指数:
- 所需积分: 10
- 文件大小: 66.65 MB
- 发布日期: 2014-09-03 16:03:20
- 投稿网友: navybase
- 资料等级: vip.0
Concept of the Plan
Future phases would be like a garden of flowers, with departments growing to Schools of Centers of Excellence overlapping to create interdisciplinary connections and connections to areas like the Medical Center.
Like great University towns of the world, the Township and the University would become one providing the potential for vast contributions to society……

Future phases would be like a garden of flowers, with departments growing to Schools of Centers of Excellence overlapping to create interdisciplinary connections and connections to areas like the Medical Center.
Like great University towns of the world, the Township and the University would become one providing the potential for vast contributions to society……

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