

  • 浏览人次: 2002
  • 文件格式: pdf
  • 推荐指数:
  • 所需积分: 5
  • 文件大小: 13.72 MB
  • 发布日期: 2014-09-02 15:38:25
  • 投稿网友: jianzhu
  • 资料等级: vip.0

executive summary
Te State University of New York at New Paltz is a campus whose origins established a cohesive and beautiful environment for learning. 
Integrated into a cohesive woodland that extends from the Mohonk Ridge, across the village of New Paltz and beyond, the campus features mature trees, green quadrangles and spectacular views to the ridge and adjacent woodland.  
Te students, faculty and staf of the college and the residents of the vil-lage of New Paltz take full advantage of the region’s natural beauty and opportunities for year-round outdoor activity.  Tis beautiful setting has also contributed to a strong sense of place for the college……