
  • 浏览人次: 1941
  • 文件格式: rar
  • 推荐指数:
  • 所需积分: 5
  • 文件大小: 19.29 MB
  • 发布日期: 2014-09-02 11:34:39
  • 投稿网友: jianzhu
  • 资料等级: vip.0

Project Statement
How do campus planners identify which historic resources are valuable for guiding campus improvements and use the resources in sustainable new designs?
Since 1868, Mills College founders, and those who followed, shaped the campus with Picturesque-era exotic and native plantings and distinguished architecture. In 2006, Mills College sought guidance on how to best preserve, enhance, and further develop this unique campus setting. Funded by the Getty Foundation and Mills College……