- 浏览人次: 1740
- 文件格式: pdf
- 推荐指数:
- 所需积分: 5
- 文件大小: 16.69 MB
- 发布日期: 2014-09-01 15:07:32
- 投稿网友: 空中楼阁
- 资料等级: vip.0
Chapter 1 Introduction 4
Project approach, proposed landscape design principles,process organization, program elements and schedule
Chapter 2 Research 6
Project assessment, site inventory of landscape elements,data gathering and analysis
Chapter 3 Opportunities 16
Analysis results, relationships in the landscape, prioritization of desired elements and essential guiding principles
Chapter 4 Schematic 36
Exploration and study of opportunities, systems and approaches to determine their viability and value in solving program elements
Chapter 5 Plan 44
Short and long-term solutions detailing the controls needed todrive multiple landscape systems throughout implementation
Chapter 6 Components 00
Technical specifcations and supporting details outlining the materials and expertise required to execute the plan

Chapter 1 Introduction 4
Project approach, proposed landscape design principles,process organization, program elements and schedule
Chapter 2 Research 6
Project assessment, site inventory of landscape elements,data gathering and analysis
Chapter 3 Opportunities 16
Analysis results, relationships in the landscape, prioritization of desired elements and essential guiding principles
Chapter 4 Schematic 36
Exploration and study of opportunities, systems and approaches to determine their viability and value in solving program elements
Chapter 5 Plan 44
Short and long-term solutions detailing the controls needed todrive multiple landscape systems throughout implementation
Chapter 6 Components 00
Technical specifcations and supporting details outlining the materials and expertise required to execute the plan

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