- 浏览人次: 1073
- 文件格式: ppt
- 推荐指数:
- 所需积分: 10
- 文件大小: 45.27 MB
- 发布日期: 2014-09-01 09:18:54
- 投稿网友: 空中楼阁
- 资料等级: vip.0
Ecological Vertical Green Screen
Product information
The Mobilane® ‘Green Screen’ is a living fence, consisting of a 5mm weld mesh galvanised steel security fence covered with plants. The plants are grown in a biodegradable pot, which is fitted at the bottom of the metal fence. Once the ‘Green Screen’ is installed the pot will degrade completely in the soil.
The ‘Green Screen’ is available in different sizes and with various types of plants, including Ivy, Beech and Hornbeam and can be cut to fit by using a bolt cutter.
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