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- 发布日期: 2014-06-23 15:58:45
- 投稿网友: mingming2010
- 资料等级: vip.0
一.电力.照明说明 The instruction of power distribution and lighting:
1.电力干线截面在35mm 以上者均采用ZR-YJV-0.6/1.0kV阻燃型交联铜芯塑料电缆,截面在35mm 及以下者采用 ZR-VV-0.6/1.0kV阻燃型铜芯塑料电缆。电缆在桥架内敷设,引出桥架穿钢管保护,在吊顶内敷设或明敷。
If the section of the main line cable is larger than 35mm ,adopt fire resistant XLPE type of cable.If the section of the main line cable is 35mm or smaller than 35mm ,adopt ZR-VV-0.6/1.0kV fire resistant type of copper core cable.The cables are laid in the cable tray.Out of the cable tray,they\'ll be protected in steel pipe and laid above the false ceiling or exposed laying.
2.电力支线除注明外均为BV-750型铜芯塑料电线,穿焊接钢管保护,在吊顶内敷设或埋墙.埋地暗敷. 控制线路均为RVVP型绝缘电线,有桥架的地方在桥架内敷设,无桥架处穿焊接钢管保护,明敷。
Except noting,the type of the power branch line is BV-750 type of copper core conductor.They will be laid above the false ceiling or concealed laying in the wall or in the floor. The type of the control line is RVVP type of insulated conductor.The control line will be laid in the cable tray or exposed laying in welded steel pipe.
All the cable tray will be XQJ-T1-01 type of cable tray.
The earthing system will be the TN-S system. All the non-current carrying metal objects in the power distribution system will be connected with the PE line.
The main lighting lines are ZR-VV-0.6/1.0kV fire resistant copper core cable and laid in the cable tray.Out of cable tray they will be protected in the steel pipe and laid above the false ceiling or exposed laying.
6.照明支线均为BV-750型2.5mm 铜芯塑料线。由照明配电箱引出后垂直部分在200X100金属线槽内敷设,水平部分穿钢管保护,有吊顶的地方在吊顶内敷设,无吊顶的地方沿檩条明敷。至照明灯具的线路除电源线外,还设有专用的PE线。
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